Ideally, when you entered the tavern, a dialogue with Victoria and Tom should have started.
It should happen after you talk to Victoria about Grace in your office. After this conversation, you will be automatically moved to the second floor of the tavern.
this already happened, I already did all this part, but after going to the second floor of the tavern I went to see Audrey for the first time, after that it says that I have to deal with the spy and find her room in the tavern, But when I go In the tavern I don't see an option to go to a room, I get stuck in that part without knowing what to do
Which version of the game are you playing? In Previously versions, while completing this quest, you could accidentally leave the second floor of the tavern before finding the room.
But in the new version, this should have been fixed.
You needed to click on all the doors on the second floor of the tavern: read 2 dialogues, watch the scene with Lillian, and then you would automatically start a dialogue that would take you to the Spy's room.
Try loading an earlier save, or, unfortunately, start a new game.
Hello! Played the demo and I loved it. Downloaded it, but when I launch the game, it just sits on the screen that says Magic Academy and has the spinning head in the corner and won't pass that screen. Tried deleting and redownloading a few times. Unzipped it on both drives I have and nothing. Made sure to download the PC version too since that's what I'm using.
Update: I installed it directly to my desktop instead which is on an M.2 drive and it works. If I try it off my regular hard drive, it won't play. But at least I can play it now!
Hi! The problem is most likely related to the long path to the game folder. Does the game not start even if you place it in the root directory of your disk?
Should have said that better. I have two drives: an M.2 that my OS is on and just a plain hard drive for random storage. On my M.2 drive that my OS is on, it runs flawlessly there. When I initially installed it on the hard drive, it was under just one folder and it wouldn't load. Didn't try the root directory for the storage drive though since I got it working on my M.2. It would start, but just continuing to stay on the initial loading screen. This was the first game I've downloaded from Itch that did that so I tried to troubleshoot. Made the update post in case anyone else gets in the same situation so they can know how to fix it. But I've been really enjoying it since I got it working!
I would be grateful if you could put the game back in the folder where it didn't work, then run it, close it, and send us the log files on Discord.It's located in C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy and named Player.log and Player-prev.log.
You don't need to export the game from the PC version. This panel appears erroneously and refers to the Web version. You just need to install the new version of the game - old saves will be available in it.
Unsure if this is a bug or I've missed something, but there is no way to fight back in the first magic stones quest. The spell buttons are not visible and can't be selected.
This is on the latest free version of Android running on Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+
Hello. After choosing a specific Journey, a panel opens where you can select the spells you'll take into your spellbook. At the top are the known spells, and at the bottom are the spells in your spellbook. Apparently, you started the game without taking any spells. We would prohibit this, but in the next update, we plan to completely remove this mode, replacing it with another.
Meeting the dragon girl. But I'm not sure it can be called the "last" quest, since the game is non-linear. If you have already completed all the tasks and after skipping another day a new task does not start - you have completed them all.
I’ll be updating the following lists as I play the game.
When Rose talks about her dream (after MC brings up spices in the conversation), the text area shows MC name in the top left corner, even though Rose is talking. Edit: Just noticed an update that mentions this was fixed, will update the game now.
A way to rewind back like in many other similar games would be appreciated.
This game is incredible. I spent hours in love with its story, characters, and gameplay—some of the best I’ve seen from an indie game like this. I was really impressed with how ambitious this game was and how much content it has, and it was really fun to play.
However, I did encounter a few bugs that I wanted to bring up:
Frequent Crashes
The game consistently crashed about once per hour. From what I’ve saw, the crashes seem to follow some patterns:
Each crash happened when starting a dialogue or when a dialogue choice appeared. [Or when entering a room, more about that later]
The first dialogue upon entering a new room was especially prone to causing a crash.
Possible reasons for the crashes
I noticed some additional things that might increase the chance of crashes:
Clicking on a spot to transition to a new screen where on the new screen there was a character that could be interacted with at the same screen location as where you clicked to transition to the new screen. For example, at least two crashes happened with Rose when I clicked on her house. In these cases, the clickable location for entering her house overlapped with her position in the next screen, which might have caused the game to register both actions at the same time or something like that, resulting in a crash.
Crashes were more frequent when rapidly transitioning between multiple screens (e.g. quickly moving from the world map to the tavern to the tavern's upstairs to her bedroom, initiating a dialogue, and then experiencing a crash).
Dialogues involving choices that affected a character's variable (increasing or decreasing relationship stats) seemed to make crashes more likely.
Small issues
{Minor Spoilers Ahead}
During conversations when the menu was disabled, if I pressed the key to open the menu (escape) then an erotic scene happened after the dialog, it would open the menu after the scene started, and it was not functional and it was not possible to close it until the scene ended.
{Minor Spoilers Ahead}
During the conversation with Tom at the party, when he explains why he disliked the MC, there’s a small visual bug. When Tom asks what the MC thinks happened next after the girl was asked to leave with the man, the question comes from the MC instead of Tom.
Super minor nitpicks/suggestions
I don't know exactly what you did to add what looks like jiggle physics on some characters, but if its easy to modify, it would be fun if that was interactive with the mouse.
I might just be stupid, but I have no idea what "Stick damage" does in the upgrades, I probably just missed it, but all my upgrades are full except that one :P, also, while on the topic, I don't know if you plan on adding spell icons, but they would do a LOT for combat clarity, I have it down now, but I struggled at the beginning differentiating between the spells with the abbreviation alone, but maybe just color coding them between fire, magic, and utility or something like that too.
{Minor Spoilers Ahead}
After the blowjob scene with Lilian during the party, the spell should probably be Evanesco instead of Scourgify. Because Scourgify is said to "cause human mouths to be filled with soap", and Evanesco was how they got rid of cum things before plumbing was a thing.
I can try to give more info about the crashes and bugs if you wanted, but I hope this helped.
Thank you for the detailed feedback. Do you work as a QA? :D
I was surprised that the game started crashing frequently - we haven't encountered this before and haven't changed anything serious, except for updating the engine version.
Could you play again and send us the log file on Discord after the next crash? I would like to fix such an unpleasant bug as soon as possible.
I will look into the issue with the game menu
I will check and correct the speaker in the dialogue with Tom
Live2D was used for character animations in the scenes. I will set myself the task of studying whether any "bones" can be made interactive. But most likely not.
"Stick damage" is left over from the first iteration of the adventure mode - then it was a basic attack that didn't require mana. Now it's "base damage" in some spells. We are going to completely replace this mode in the near future, as it is too boring - first you grind with no chance of winning, and then you defeat everyone with no chance of losing. We are developing something more dynamic - you can read about it in our latest devlogs.
Thank you for your response. I'll play through it again today and give any crash logs if they happen. Also, I can record my gameplay and send any clips of crashes or bugs to hopefully help with troubleshooting. But I can hit you up on discord so we don't have to just talk through the comment section lmao
0.3.2 update feels great! I like rotating chibi Audrey head as loading indicator - don't exactly remember it from past versions but it is very cute!
Animations in journey mode looks very good! Especially ear wiggle on elves, make them much more expressive and lively!
I know that you will change this mode altogether - it is a good thing mostly. Decision to eliminate mindless grind is a very good one, no matter the way you plan to achieve it.
New bosses looks very good. especially catgirl rogue! Her scene, sprite and animation with ear wiggle all looks amazing, i hope we will see her returning in your new battle mode!
I don't exactly remember if i mentioned it in the past - well there be more to bosses who we defeated? I can see without a doubt that you spend a lot of time on both catgirl with paladin and ice elf - their sprites and scenes looks no worse than main heroines, so could we expect more action with them in the future? And i don't necessary mean sex, just seeing them as even a minor part of plot/academy life would be good too.
Speaking about people - dragon-girl looks great! Especially scene when we first meeting her! It is short but with applied animation looks very good and meaningful.
Other new sprites also looks good: of course snakes and werewolves aren't as pretty as main girls, but they still look nice.
New character system is a tremendous progress - and in the right direction, i could even compare it to the likes of Baldur's Gate 3 where our choices also shaped people around us. Fresh story bits are very captivating - maybe even more than previous ones, encourage player investment into the story which is very important. There is a very big gap in attraction to some unknown girl with great body compared to one you know and like on a personal level, who in your case also have a great body, which many +18 types games very eager to forget. The hell - even more conservative types of games are neglecting their characters inner workings and i am glad that you chose a different path.
Additionally, i would like to surface potential of new scenes, like the kiss with Rose. Thing like that compared to sex scenes are require much less resources from your artists and animators and yes, they are not exactly something people would fap for, yet they are still attractive and foster connection to the character. Especially considering the fact the game already got 3 characters with fluffy ears and tails which all would be very pleasant to touch, but i digress.
Speaking stability - game crashed pretty often - something which i didn't observe on earlier builds. On the other hands save system worked perfectly: even after crash playthrough continued nearly from the same point it ended, very good!
In the end i would like to ask - what your preferred language of feedback? I don't know your inner workings but if this will be more digestible i could write in rus next time?
В какие именно моменты игра вылетала? Я впервые слышу о том, что это происходит.
Не могли бы вы прислать нам в Discord файл логов, когда это случиться в следующий раз? Он находится в C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy и называется Player.log или Player-prev.log.
Could you clarify the version and whether it was a clean install or into a folder with an already installed game? Could you please send us the log files on Discord? It's located in C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy and named Player.log and Player-prev.log.
This sounds a bit unexpected. Which version are you using and what are you playing on? What do you mean by "tend to crash during dialogues"? Does any message appear? Or does the game just close?
Could you please send us in Discord the log file after another crash? It's located in C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy and named Player.log and Player-prev.log.
Hey devs, amazing work on the game! Just one issue, when Victoria gives you the "A Muggle Book" quest, and you talk to Elizabeth about picking one of the book she can get, I picked the ancient artifact one and yet it still led me through the surgery book route! However, it seems in the character journal, it gave me a +1 for going the ancient artifact route, this is most likely just a dialogue issue and not a gameplay one thankfully.
I downloaded the game and its amazing so far however after the skeletons in the closet quest there was a notification saying i reached the end of the demo and to download the public version, though i already had and that was what i was playing
Yes, thank you for letting us know. We accidentally left the text from the web version. In reality, this text informs you that you have completed all the quests available in the current version.
Unfortunately I couldn't copy it, but I got an error when I tried to enter the workshop at night in the browser demo for the first item requirement quest.
There is currently one scene where a male dominates a futa. This content is optional and can be skipped. Adding new scenes will depend on player requests.
is just the demo because after helping Grace with Lillian old job quest it just come up with demo completed you can download the pubic version and when I keep there are no quests
The web version is intentionally shortened so that you don't have to download too much data.
At the end of the web version, there is a "download save" button. And in the full version, in the load panel, there is an "upload from external file" button.
Hi. Game is nice, but there seem to be some issues. For example, when showing the box to Victoria after renovating a part of the academy, the two option seems to lead to the same dialog, with the same outcome on the character page. And I think the same thing happened a bit earlier with another character.
Don’t normally write reviews but this game is super high quality. You’ve managed to hit the perfect trifecta in porn games - quality art, fun gameplay, and an engaging story. Most games only manage a couple (hell most games just go for good art and call it a day) but y’all have outdone yourselves, major props!
Hey I love the game! Just wondering if you guys know the file directory for Mac save files are? I played some on my PC but I want to transfer it over to my Mac so I can play more on the go!
we use Application.persistentDataPath. In Mac it's points to the user Library folder (This folder is often hidden). User data is written into ~/Library/Application Support/WildPear/MagicAcademy
I don't know if it's just me, but on the web version after completing the first material-getting minigame for Audrey (15 wood), if you visit her place at nighttime, it returns an error. I forgot to screenshot it, but it basically said cannot return null or something similar. Also, are there no saves on the web version? Or is that only after you reach a certain point in the story?
Yes, I understand which bug you are talking about. Thank you for reporting it - we will fix it. The web version stores its data in the browser's temporary cache; unfortunately, it's impossible to make saves in it. But, after completing it, you will be able to download a save file for the full version to start from the same place.
Hi, just wanted to let you know about a minor softlock at the beginning of the game.
Once you tie up Grace, and go to investigate her room at the bar, it is one way. If you leave her room without completing the quest, you can't come back.
I didn't click the map as part of the quest, and thought I was done, so I left. But the room area hadn't been unlocked yet, and I couldn't reactivate the cutscene that originally sent me to the room area.
Not a huge deal since it only took like 5 mins to get back there on a new save, but worth mentioning
Wow! Thanks for the report, we haven't paid attention to this aspect for a long time, as the exit button to the map used to be blocked in these rooms. Thank you for your message - we will fix the bug in the next update.
In the upper left corner, the "Journey" button (with the portal image) is not available to you. The items you find there turn into purple dust. If the button is unavailable or there are no adventures available, can you contact us via Discord? We would like to examine your save file.
In version, there are some issues with the character names in certain conversations indicating the wrong speaker. Like the one with Rose after getting the mandrakes.
Thank you for your attentiveness, sometimes we make such mistakes when setting up dialogues. We would be grateful if you pointed out other similar dialogues if you encounter them.
Ok, I'm stuck and have no idea what I did wrong. Need some help. Missions 1)get blue prints - is this a time thing? I've been to the workshop nothing new to do, been to every other location and nothing new to do 2) go on a journey but the enemies are on the crystals. I go to fight the enemies and no magic spells to attack them with. No way to melee. Please assist.
1. In order to "get the blueprints," you need to talk to Audrey after this task appears. She will give you three blueprints for building various improvements to the Academy.
Sorry for the late response, I figured it out. I just need to be a bit more patient. Love the game so far though! Everything is tying together really well!
Unfortunately, it's impossible to do it differently right now. I upload the apk build through the uploader, which automatically packs it into a zip archive. If I do it directly, I won't be able to update the current version, i.e., right now you could buy 0.3 and after the update get access to both 0.3.1 and If I upload the apk file directly, as I do with the public version, then each separate version will have to be purchased separately. I'll write to their tech support, maybe they can help with something.
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I'm in this part, it's still the beginning, but I don't know what to do, I have no idea what to do now

Ideally, when you entered the tavern, a dialogue with Victoria and Tom should have started.
It should happen after you talk to Victoria about Grace in your office.
After this conversation, you will be automatically moved to the second floor of the tavern.
Didn't it start?
this already happened, I already did all this part, but after going to the second floor of the tavern I went to see Audrey for the first time, after that it says that I have to deal with the spy and find her room in the tavern, But when I go In the tavern I don't see an option to go to a room, I get stuck in that part without knowing what to do
Which version of the game are you playing? In Previously versions, while completing this quest, you could accidentally leave the second floor of the tavern before finding the room.
But in the new version, this should have been fixed.
You needed to click on all the doors on the second floor of the tavern: read 2 dialogues, watch the scene with Lillian, and then you would automatically start a dialogue that would take you to the Spy's room.
Try loading an earlier save, or, unfortunately, start a new game.
Try loading an earlier save where you haven't received the quest yet. Talk to Victoria again and immediately go to the tavern.
Can there be futa options for the other bosses, and also some futa-on-male, in future updates?
At the moment, we haven't thought about this. The next update will be dedicated to changing the combat system and continuing Victoria's storyline.
Hello! Played the demo and I loved it. Downloaded it, but when I launch the game, it just sits on the screen that says Magic Academy and has the spinning head in the corner and won't pass that screen. Tried deleting and redownloading a few times. Unzipped it on both drives I have and nothing. Made sure to download the PC version too since that's what I'm using.
Update: I installed it directly to my desktop instead which is on an M.2 drive and it works. If I try it off my regular hard drive, it won't play. But at least I can play it now!
Hi! The problem is most likely related to the long path to the game folder. Does the game not start even if you place it in the root directory of your disk?
Should have said that better. I have two drives: an M.2 that my OS is on and just a plain hard drive for random storage. On my M.2 drive that my OS is on, it runs flawlessly there. When I initially installed it on the hard drive, it was under just one folder and it wouldn't load. Didn't try the root directory for the storage drive though since I got it working on my M.2. It would start, but just continuing to stay on the initial loading screen. This was the first game I've downloaded from Itch that did that so I tried to troubleshoot. Made the update post in case anyone else gets in the same situation so they can know how to fix it. But I've been really enjoying it since I got it working!
I would be grateful if you could put the game back in the folder where it didn't work, then run it, close it, and send us the log files on Discord.It's located in C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy and named Player.log and Player-prev.log.
Subject: Assistance Needed with Save File Issue
Hi Wild Pear Games,
I’m encountering an issue and need your help. Unfortunately, I’m unable to download my save file as I keep receiving the following error message:
ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
Because of this, I’m unable to play the latest public version of your game. The version I attempted to download my save file on is
Could you please assist me in resolving this issue?
Let me clarify once again. You saved the game in version and now you can't load it in 0.3.2?
Nope the problem is that I can’t safe the game in and export it
because of this error.
You don't need to export the game from the PC version. This panel appears erroneously and refers to the Web version.
You just need to install the new version of the game - old saves will be available in it.
ooooh ok, thanks for the help!
Unsure if this is a bug or I've missed something, but there is no way to fight back in the first magic stones quest. The spell buttons are not visible and can't be selected.
This is on the latest free version of Android running on Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+
Hello. After choosing a specific Journey, a panel opens where you can select the spells you'll take into your spellbook. At the top are the known spells, and at the bottom are the spells in your spellbook. Apparently, you started the game without taking any spells. We would prohibit this, but in the next update, we plan to completely remove this mode, replacing it with another.
What's the last quest in the free game?
Meeting the dragon girl. But I'm not sure it can be called the "last" quest, since the game is non-linear.
If you have already completed all the tasks and after skipping another day a new task does not start - you have completed them all.
I’ll be updating the following lists as I play the game.
This game is beautiful and well-made
This game is incredible. I spent hours in love with its story, characters, and gameplay—some of the best I’ve seen from an indie game like this. I was really impressed with how ambitious this game was and how much content it has, and it was really fun to play.
However, I did encounter a few bugs that I wanted to bring up:
Frequent Crashes
The game consistently crashed about once per hour. From what I’ve saw, the crashes seem to follow some patterns:
Possible reasons for the crashes
I noticed some additional things that might increase the chance of crashes:
Small issues
{Minor Spoilers Ahead}
During conversations when the menu was disabled, if I pressed the key to open the menu (escape) then an erotic scene happened after the dialog, it would open the menu after the scene started, and it was not functional and it was not possible to close it until the scene ended.
{Minor Spoilers Ahead}
During the conversation with Tom at the party, when he explains why he disliked the MC, there’s a small visual bug. When Tom asks what the MC thinks happened next after the girl was asked to leave with the man, the question comes from the MC instead of Tom.
Super minor nitpicks/suggestions
I don't know exactly what you did to add what looks like jiggle physics on some characters, but if its easy to modify, it would be fun if that was interactive with the mouse.
I might just be stupid, but I have no idea what "Stick damage" does in the upgrades, I probably just missed it, but all my upgrades are full except that one :P, also, while on the topic, I don't know if you plan on adding spell icons, but they would do a LOT for combat clarity, I have it down now, but I struggled at the beginning differentiating between the spells with the abbreviation alone, but maybe just color coding them between fire, magic, and utility or something like that too.
{Minor Spoilers Ahead}
After the blowjob scene with Lilian during the party, the spell should probably be Evanesco instead of Scourgify. Because Scourgify is said to "cause human mouths to be filled with soap", and Evanesco was how they got rid of
cumthings before plumbing was a thing.I can try to give more info about the crashes and bugs if you wanted, but I hope this helped.
Thank you for the detailed feedback. Do you work as a QA? :D
I was surprised that the game started crashing frequently - we haven't encountered this before and haven't changed anything serious, except for updating the engine version.
Could you play again and send us the log file on Discord after the next crash? I would like to fix such an unpleasant bug as soon as possible.
Thanks again for such detailed feedback.
Thank you for your response. I'll play through it again today and give any crash logs if they happen. Also, I can record my gameplay and send any clips of crashes or bugs to hopefully help with troubleshooting. But I can hit you up on discord so we don't have to just talk through the comment section lmao
I'm looking forward to seeing future updates!
0.3.2 update feels great!
I like rotating chibi Audrey head as loading indicator - don't exactly remember it from past versions but it is very cute!
Animations in journey mode looks very good! Especially ear wiggle on elves, make them much more expressive and lively!
I know that you will change this mode altogether - it is a good thing mostly. Decision to eliminate mindless grind is a very good one, no matter the way you plan to achieve it.
New bosses looks very good. especially catgirl rogue! Her scene, sprite and animation with ear wiggle all looks amazing, i hope we will see her returning in your new battle mode!
I don't exactly remember if i mentioned it in the past - well there be more to bosses who we defeated? I can see without a doubt that you spend a lot of time on both catgirl with paladin and ice elf - their sprites and scenes looks no worse than main heroines, so could we expect more action with them in the future? And i don't necessary mean sex, just seeing them as even a minor part of plot/academy life would be good too.
Speaking about people - dragon-girl looks great! Especially scene when we first meeting her! It is short but with applied animation looks very good and meaningful.
Other new sprites also looks good: of course snakes and werewolves aren't as pretty as main girls, but they still look nice.
New character system is a tremendous progress - and in the right direction, i could even compare it to the likes of Baldur's Gate 3 where our choices also shaped people around us. Fresh story bits are very captivating - maybe even more than previous ones, encourage player investment into the story which is very important. There is a very big gap in attraction to some unknown girl with great body compared to one you know and like on a personal level, who in your case also have a great body, which many +18 types games very eager to forget. The hell - even more conservative types of games are neglecting their characters inner workings and i am glad that you chose a different path.
Additionally, i would like to surface potential of new scenes, like the kiss with Rose. Thing like that compared to sex scenes are require much less resources from your artists and animators and yes, they are not exactly something people would fap for, yet they are still attractive and foster connection to the character. Especially considering the fact the game already got 3 characters with fluffy ears and tails which all would be very pleasant to touch, but i digress.
Speaking stability - game crashed pretty often - something which i didn't observe on earlier builds. On the other hands save system worked perfectly: even after crash playthrough continued nearly from the same point it ended, very good!
In the end i would like to ask - what your preferred language of feedback? I don't know your inner workings but if this will be more digestible i could write in rus next time?
Да, вы можете общаться с нами по русски.
Спасибо за тёплые слова и обратную связь.
В какие именно моменты игра вылетала? Я впервые слышу о том, что это происходит.
Не могли бы вы прислать нам в Discord файл логов, когда это случиться в следующий раз? Он находится в C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy и называется Player.log или Player-prev.log.
alright so i downloaded the game on my PC and when it starts up it just says unexpected error?
Could you clarify the version and whether it was a clean install or into a folder with an already installed game?
Could you please send us the log files on Discord? It's located in C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy and named Player.log and Player-prev.log.
We have encountered the issue related to a file path that is too long a few times. But we can't do anything about it - these are engine limitations.
Please try moving the game to the root directory of your drive.
I.e. for example C://MagicAcademy. Will this help?
It's probably just me, but I noticed how the game tend to crash during dialogues - is this a problem shared amongst others as well?
This sounds a bit unexpected. Which version are you using and what are you playing on? What do you mean by "tend to crash during dialogues"? Does any message appear? Or does the game just close?
Could you please send us in Discord the log file after another crash? It's located in C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy and named Player.log and Player-prev.log.
Hey devs, amazing work on the game! Just one issue, when Victoria gives you the "A Muggle Book" quest, and you talk to Elizabeth about picking one of the book she can get, I picked the ancient artifact one and yet it still led me through the surgery book route! However, it seems in the character journal, it gave me a +1 for going the ancient artifact route, this is most likely just a dialogue issue and not a gameplay one thankfully.
Hmm. Thanks for the information and the kind words. I will check the dialogue settings. What language are you playing in?
How do you get magic dust?
Go on expeditions if you already have thirty then you go talk to grace
I have no idea how to add to collection so imma leave this here
its under the follow button on the right if your on PC
what a wonderful game :)
Please make the 0.3 version fre
This year we plan to release the next update. Accordingly, from the same moment, version 0.3.1 will become free.
with this year you mean 2024 or 2025?
I downloaded the game and its amazing so far however after the skeletons in the closet quest there was a notification saying i reached the end of the demo and to download the public version, though i already had and that was what i was playing
Yes, thank you for letting us know. We accidentally left the text from the web version. In reality, this text informs you that you have completed all the quests available in the current version.
Unfortunately I couldn't copy it, but I got an error when I tried to enter the workshop at night in the browser demo for the first item requirement quest.
Thank you for your bug report. We will fix this bug in the next update. Don't go there in the evening for now.
Thank you for the quick response, can do!
As of now, is there or will there be futa-on-male?
There is currently one scene where a male dominates a futa. This content is optional and can be skipped. Adding new scenes will depend on player requests.
I don't know what to say
but I think this game is good
is just the demo because after helping Grace with Lillian old job quest it just come up with demo completed you can download the pubic version and when I keep there are no quests
The web version is intentionally shortened so that you don't have to download too much data.
At the end of the web version, there is a "download save" button. And in the full version, in the load panel, there is an "upload from external file" button.
I download 2.8.4 and after I play Grace quest it came up with demo completed and I didn't play web version
Hmm. That's very strange. And no more quests appear? Did you also complete the quest with Audrey where you need to save her from her trap?
I did every quest but after I complete Grace quest to help Lillian with the blackmail that pop up show up saying demo completed.
Oh, yes, thank you for letting us know. We forgot to replace the notification. It's notifications from Web Demo
Game is nice, but there seem to be some issues. For example, when showing the box to Victoria after renovating a part of the academy, the two option seems to lead to the same dialog, with the same outcome on the character page. And I think the same thing happened a bit earlier with another character.
Oh, thank you for pointing this out - we found this error in the dialogue settings and will fix it in the next update.
Don’t normally write reviews but this game is super high quality. You’ve managed to hit the perfect trifecta in porn games - quality art, fun gameplay, and an engaging story. Most games only manage a couple (hell most games just go for good art and call it a day) but y’all have outdone yourselves, major props!
Thank you, we are pleased to hear that!
Hey I love the game! Just wondering if you guys know the file directory for Mac save files are? I played some on my PC but I want to transfer it over to my Mac so I can play more on the go!
we use Application.persistentDataPath. In Mac it's points to the user Library folder (This folder is often hidden). User data is written into ~/Library/Application Support/WildPear/MagicAcademy
After getting the materials for protecting the school at the start of the game, I went back to the workshop and I got an error message.
Thank you for the report, we will fix it. For now, please avoid visiting the Workshop in the evening.
When I go to the lecture hall during evening/night I get locked in the screen with the dragon girl and cant continue, is there anything I can do?
What exactly is happening? Are you getting an error message? Besides the dragon scene, is there any text appearing?
No text is appearing, I just get the sound track that repeats and then the game stops answering (MAC).
This... is unexpected. We aren't doing anything unusual in this scene. Do other scenes play normally?
We'll look into it.
Everything up to this point in the game has run smoothly.
Could you please send us your Player.log file on Discord? It's located in ~/Library/Application Support/WildPear/MagicAcademy
Isn't there a 3rd scroll piece
Oh, right. Another scrap is located on the beach.
Perhaps you haven't progressed far enough in the main story to unlock it?
Also it kind of peeves me that the roof of the school never gets repaired
We are currently developing the academy management mechanics. Within this system, you will be restoring the institution to its final form.
I am struggling to find all the scroll fragments can someone help me
One of them is in the forest in a clearing. One is in Louise's cave.
I don't know if it's just me, but on the web version after completing the first material-getting minigame for Audrey (15 wood), if you visit her place at nighttime, it returns an error. I forgot to screenshot it, but it basically said cannot return null or something similar. Also, are there no saves on the web version? Or is that only after you reach a certain point in the story?
Yes, I understand which bug you are talking about. Thank you for reporting it - we will fix it.
The web version stores its data in the browser's temporary cache; unfortunately, it's impossible to make saves in it. But, after completing it, you will be able to download a save file for the full version to start from the same place.
Fun game, I finished the public release, I played the other world part more than the actual game lmao, real addicting
Hi, just wanted to let you know about a minor softlock at the beginning of the game.
Once you tie up Grace, and go to investigate her room at the bar, it is one way. If you leave her room without completing the quest, you can't come back.
I didn't click the map as part of the quest, and thought I was done, so I left. But the room area hadn't been unlocked yet, and I couldn't reactivate the cutscene that originally sent me to the room area.
Not a huge deal since it only took like 5 mins to get back there on a new save, but worth mentioning
Wow! Thanks for the report, we haven't paid attention to this aspect for a long time, as the exit button to the map used to be blocked in these rooms.
Thank you for your message - we will fix the bug in the next update.
Hey, I'm stuck on the magic dust quests, I can't get any purple dust and I have a bunch of gold dust but I genuinely cannot do anything
Ideally, you should have other tasks available that will eventually unlock new adventures.
If you skip a day - a new quest will not start?
I've skipped a few days but nothing, I can't get any purple dust and I've only got three and none of the things I fight give me anymore
In the upper left corner, the "Journey" button (with the portal image) is not available to you. The items you find there turn into purple dust.
If the button is unavailable or there are no adventures available, can you contact us via Discord? We would like to examine your save file.
In version, there are some issues with the character names in certain conversations indicating the wrong speaker. Like the one with Rose after getting the mandrakes.

Thank you for your attentiveness, sometimes we make such mistakes when setting up dialogues. We would be grateful if you pointed out other similar dialogues if you encounter them.
game says im playing web demo version and to switch but i downloaded the public release from
Ok, I'm stuck and have no idea what I did wrong. Need some help. Missions 1)get blue prints - is this a time thing? I've been to the workshop nothing new to do, been to every other location and nothing new to do
2) go on a journey but the enemies are on the crystals. I go to fight the enemies and no magic spells to attack them with. No way to melee. Please assist.
Disregard on number 2, just restarted the game and that was fixed
1. In order to "get the blueprints," you need to talk to Audrey after this task appears. She will give you three blueprints for building various improvements to the Academy.
Can you send a screenshot of the quest panel?
Sorry for the late response, I figured it out. I just need to be a bit more patient. Love the game so far though! Everything is tying together really well!
So good game. Thanks you for all this and Russian language (I'm not Russian, but speak on Russian)💖
i am stuck on the quest where i have to bring 30 magic dust to grace, because the place where i get the dust isnt popping up
Try skipping a day. Will new tasks not appear? Ideally, as part of other tasks, you should unlock new adventures.
Please convert the newest version to apk
Unfortunately, it's impossible to do it differently right now. I upload the apk build through the uploader, which automatically packs it into a zip archive. If I do it directly, I won't be able to update the current version, i.e., right now you could buy 0.3 and after the update get access to both 0.3.1 and If I upload the apk file directly, as I do with the public version, then each separate version will have to be purchased separately.
I'll write to their tech support, maybe they can help with something.