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Hello, I found a bug where talking with Tom about why Tom should help you. There are 4 options, the first 3 go no where and the last option ends in an infinite loop. I've saved my game in this text interaction and now I am stuck. Can I send you my save file?

(2 edits)

Hi! Thank you for being active!

Are you playing version In the new version we already fixed this problem.

Load a save before this dialogue (for example, the autosave that is available if you press the letter A in the load panel) and do not save in this dialogue - everything will be fine.


You had me at blackjack and hookers ( I'm a fan of futurama)

Haha! Yeah, we are also fans and decided to make such a mini-reference.


Интересный проект с большим потенциалом. Да, есть грамматические ошибки и опечатки. Да, атмосфера преимущественно фентезийная, а не в сеттинге ГП. Но во всем остальном - круто. Крутые фоны и персонажи, интересный сюжет и мини-игры. Выбор Unity очень освежил привычный вид новеллы на RenPy, особенно в части мини-игр. Есть куда расти, ждём дальнейших обновлений

Привет, спасибо за комментарий. Рады, что вам понравилось. Мы в ближайшее время проведём очередную вычитку текста - постараемся сократить количество опечаток и ошибок. 

Question; if I purchase the $10 tier, will that unlock all future updates as well? Or will I have to buy the new version again when it comes out?

Hi. Yes, you will have to buy it every time.
For $10, an alpha version is available here, which our Patreon subscribers get for the same $10.
It would be wrong to give unlimited access to all alpha versions for $10.
The alpha version becomes free about 2-3 weeks after release.

Can I play using my old save files?


In versions 0.1.5 and 0.2, the starting quests and their system were significantly changed. Saves are not compatible between themselves and with previous versions. However, in the future, we plan to support continuation from old versions in new versions.

Oh ok. Thank you

So i just got past the party and talking to all the teachers but now my quests are blank and no matter how many dAys pass nothing happens

The message "wait for the events to unfold" usually means you've reached the end of the current content in the game.

You can check the Pensieve in the main menu – it shows all available and played scenes. If there are no locked scenes, you've completed everything in the current version.

Version 0.2 introduces new adventures and reward cards, accessible through a separate menu.

Hello how to find iron 

There's a mine on the top left of the map - you can mine stone and iron there.

I'm mining iron but my quest doesn't complete

If a quest asks you to bring iron, you need to find and mine it, then talk to the quest giver again. You will have a special dialogue option to turn in the quest.

I found a bug 

Can you please describe what happened? And how can I reproduce the issue so I can fix it?

The error disappeared ordi did not want to take resources




Hi, I'm at the part were I'm supposed to deal with the spy (journalist) but I'm kinda stuck, I've done every dialogue, clicked on everything, could someone help😅

Hi! A new quest should have appeared after visiting her room at the tavern in the Spy - Get Out quest. If you don't have it - something broke. Try loading an earlier save. (If you press the letter A on the load panel, you will see autosaves). Try loading the game BEFORE entering Grace's room and go through this stage again.

I will watch your career with great interest. Will there be enslavement magic, as a evil(Dark Lord) route?


We will think about it. Perhaps it will be used for the "re-education" of evil characters.


Hi there! Is there any Yuri content in this game? Thank you!

Hi. Not yet

Are there plans for a future Mac release? Would love to play


We make the game on Unity, on this engine for the Mac version you need to have a Macbook with Xcode installed. Currently, our team does not have this device - in the future, when we have the opportunity to purchase it, we will definitely think about it.


Alright understandable, good luck!


I really love harry potter and the art is beautifull so I'm definetly going to check this out.

How would I transfer a save to a new update


To version 1.5.1? Unfortunately, we completely changed the quest system and old saves are not supported.
If you are playing on PC - you can hold Ctrl to skip already read text.

Great game, but just downloaded new update on android but in the missions screen everything still says wait for events to unfold, and on the MC it says support the project in patron. I tried waiting a few in game days and it hasn't progressed.

The current public update has been focused on bug fixes and updating existing NSFW scenes. You can launch them through the Pensieve to check out the new content without having to replay the game.

Ah, understood. Thanks, looking forward to future updates 

(3 edits) (+1)

Found an incorrect line during/after one of the sex scenes in whatever public version was before version 1.4.9 (the Itch app only says "" as the file name): when Lilian gives an under-the-table blowjob in the tavern after the celebration party, the text talks about "Joyce" and how her loud slurps can be heard throughout "the office".

Joyce isn't even introduced until after the next paint cleaning minigame...


Hi! Thanks for your report! Yes, we accidentally recorded a line from Joyce's scene into Lillian's scene line in the localization file. It's already fixed in the later version.


Figured as much as soon as I realized I was playing a version several major updates behind the latest patch, but just wanted to make sure you guys were aware.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello first of all i just want to say i love the game but i encountered a bug with the vine scene with Audrey and once I get to the end of it the game freezes and dosent let me Progress the dialog. I am on the 1.4.9 android edition


Same issue, makes the game unplayable at this scene.

Same issue for me, on 1.4.9, android 14 on an oppo device

Same here, OnePlus 12R android version 14

We fixed the bug and updated the Android build.

We fixed the bug and updated the Android build.

We fixed the bug and updated the Android build.


We fixed the bug and updated the Android build.


Just checked it and it works, cant wait to pay the rest of the game, thank you 

Hey so I just came across this game and downloaded it, but whenever I try and start it it just sits on a grey screen for a few seconds before the app just shuts down and kicks me out

Hello! What version of the game did you download? On what device are you running it?

I downloaded 1.4.9 on android

And what device do you have exactly? We have heard about similar errors, but unfortunately, we cannot investigate them without details. Have you tried running the Windows version?

I don't have anything I can run the windows version on at the moment. I'm on a slightly older galaxy tablet for the time being

What version of Android is on your device?

1st nice view... And a bug right at the beginning.
It is not possible to exit the explanation overlay at the end by clicking OK.

you need hold the button

yepp, after you say that... But why? All others react while clicking... except this? Makes no sense from my point of view... But ok... IQ- challenge in any way for the player ;)

That's how we wanted to protect the player from misclicks that would close the tutorial panel.

But, apparently, many people have encountered a similar problem - so with update 0.1.5 we removed this and now all the buttons in the tutorial are pressed with a simple click.


Good game. Lots of grammatical mistakes though. Sometimes someone will say a line clearly meant for the other character. Pronouns will be incorrect (she instead of her, you instead of our) I'm pretty sure the name of the family that used to own the mansion changed several times

I know this probably isn't a huge priority right now. At least compared with adding other content to the game. But I figured it was worth mentioning.

Keep up the good work though!

Hello! Thanks for the feedback. Yes, we translated the first part of the game a long time ago and the text has become outdated or poorly translated in places. We are now gradually updating it and also fixing all the errors that players report to us.

Hello, a very interesting project, when will the update be released?

(1 edit) (+1)

found a bug, when talking to the innkeeper when he asks you to build a bridge, both options being unbreakable vow and agree without conditions, either option will will loop back to him asking what can possibly convince him to agree, cannot continue further


Can you send us broken save? 

You can find it in C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy\Save

will there be a Macbook version?

We don't have a Mac right now. Perhaps in the future, if we have money, we will think about it.


Is android version soon?


Maybe in a few weeks - we are still testing some things and collecting feedback. But it is now available to our Patrons. 

LOL! Now I'm imagining a Magic Academy with android students in attendance!


What happened to MC's face? I thought he was good looking.


Was he looked too young?


Yes, he was too young and too much like MC Summertime Saga. The design was invented almost a year ago and now we have decided to update it.


Does he stop being such a dick as the story progresses, depending on choices made, or is he always gonna be another Jackass Eroge MC? Sorry, but it's hard for me to enjoy ANYTHING where the MC is a douche bag. (Kappa Mikey is a GREAT example of this, Lupin III is another, great casts aside from the Titular MC.) All in all tho, I like this game, even if I never played more than an hour or two of it. (No offense!)


Yes, of course. We are currently in the process of changing the way we tell the story. We want to make it so that the player chooses the answers in most cases, and this will affect how other characters react to them. 

SUH-WEET! Good to hear! XD

By the way, I love the name "Wild Pear Games", after my wife explained the joke to me, I LMFAO for 3 minutes straight! XD


Looks interesting. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this one.


Thanks for the comment! We are glad that you liked our game.


mac version possible in the future?

We don't have a Mac right now. Perhaps in the future, if we have money, we will think about it.


would be great, thanks for the answer


is there or will there be futa ?


There is no such content at the moment.

It's a magical world, and we have "special potions," if you know what I mean. We also have plans for a futa-character, which can be a regular one, depending on the player's choice.

How soon it will be available depends on the number of votes on Patreon.

(1 edit) (+1)

fantastic , you’ve just gained a new Patreon  supporter

where can I locate the save files on pc


[disk]\Users\[user-name]\AppData\LocalLow\Wild Pear\Magic Academy


Now it's my time to shine! Great game for place to grow and with great potentional. Become in "Hatiko" mode for a new updates. Game went so smooth, without any "meh" moments. (except the gathering resurses, but in same time it give you time for cool your head a bit. LoL) Arts  of characters is great same as background! Even mandrakes was cute... Great job guys! ♥


Hi! Thank you very much for such a detailed review! We are very glad that you liked the game!


You had me at magic school. 


Great potential, waiting for future updates!

Thank you very much!


I can't put it quite as eloquently as Staffate did, but I'm loving the art style! Really can't wait to see more of this in the future!

Thank you very much! We are working on the next updates now!


Will there be impreg?


At the moment, we do not know - everything will depend on what people who support us on Patreon suggest.

Do you plan to do a poll on Patreon?


I enjoyed it. The art embodies a wonderful blend of kindness and maturity. The concept of a small village is very close to me, as I myself grew up in such conditions. In the case of this game, this concept captivates me - getting to know the characters and immersing myself in their personal affairs, just like a real grandmother at the entrance. I hope this game will develop, and we will see many more interesting characters. As for the plot, I will not draw conclusions because it takes more time to express my opinion. The only thing that caught my eye was the model of Odri in her workshop - she seems less defined compared to the other characters, although this may be the author's intention.My english is terrible.)


Hello! Thank you so much for your detailed comment! We are very pleased that you played the game and appreciated it! We will try to improve the game and continue to please the players! regarding Audrey, She was one of the first characters, and the button with her in her workshop is one of the first (as well as the tavern keeper) in the plans to redo them later, thank you again, we tried very hard!


Good luck in your endeavors)


That tentacle scene is a good way to not only drive people away from your game, but get banned on patreon too.

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