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(1 edit)

By screenshots it looks like this game is heavily inspired by Summertime Saga. Just wondering, am I correct?


We definitely played Summertime Saga, maybe that led to it being traced somewhere in style.
But our games are completely different.

Hi just downloaded the game and i cant put the name at the start on android

try tab on field with "Enter text..." 

Same here, if I click on enter text the keyboard pops up, but then I write the name and click on apply and nothing happens. 

If you click on the "Enter text..." field, does a keyboard appear? After that, if you enter text, it should replace "Enter text...", does it happen? What language are you typing in? Try switching your keyboard layout to English.

Thanks for your quick answer.

When I click on the "Enter text..." field, the keyboard pops up with no problem, but when I write a name it doesn't replace  the hint text. I use the spanish keyboard, but as you suggested I did replace It with english(US) first and english(UK) later but it didn't work. I tried uninstalling the spanish keyboard to be absolutely sure I was writing with the correct one, but it still doesn't work.

What device are you using?

Can you write us in Discord? I will try fix you problem and give you reference on new version.


All that's missing is a fortress and some kind of watch for a full-fledged picture))


In the new version, we've added a special system that will "carve" through mountains if a path to the portal cannot be found.


Hey, I'm posting my review as a comment so others can see it too!

(Reviewing the version)

TL;DR: Fun game, interesting story, not a huge amount of content yet, but cannot be faulted for it!

---------- Long:

This game contains two fun gameplay mechanics on top of the usual sex-RPG stuff:

1) "Bejewelled"-esque resource farming.

2) Exploration + turn-based combat for more resource farming on a tactical map. (Although this still requires more content to not immediately hit the end game)

I love the game's art style and character interactions, though the day-night cycle still seems a bit underutilized and is missing a few more things to pass the time with, e.g. dating the various characters for a time slot duration?

The sex scenes are fun to watch, and there is a lot of potential for deeper character development! In particular, Joyce and Rose stood out as my faves.


Good luck on future development to the dev, and congrats for providing a short, fun game so far, one that you can spend a free morning playing!


Thanks a lot for the feedback! We are now finishing an update with an adventure mode - we will be changing the leveling system, adding new enemies and a new boss.

After that, we plan to develop the dating mechanics and the core mechanics of managing the magic academy.

When is the latest version getting a free and public release? I can't wait to play the new content you guys have added


This week we will release another small update for the alpha version. And either by this weekend or the next weekend, version 0.2.3 will go public and 0.2.6 will enter beta.


Awesome! Loving the consistent updates and the story so far, hoping to get more soon in the first 1.0.0 release!


English is not my native language, so I hope you can excuse my poor grammar.

I like your game so much! 

Artstyle is not just beautiful and girls are hot, but it feels fresh and alive, not like some souless wannabe realistic backgrounds end other similar things which plague not only NSFW genre games but many of the more common titles which graphics looks similarly boring.  

The general setting is pretty interesting and nice, especially for your type of game: it flashed enough, so even people alien to Harry Potter books could understand it inner workings, yet it didn't bore you with too much exposition. Our main character is also a good change of pace - many NSFW games make you play in the range from jerk who use vulnerable girls to serial rapist, so it is very nice to be a decent man genuinely building good relationship with girls, it's actually very nice being good and helping people!

Your girls also work very good not just as eye-candy but as whole characters themselves: they all feel different not just by bust size and type of visual characteristics, which they also are - it didn't feel like the cast are copied and pasted model looking big boobs and ass template, but from the point of own personalities and backgrounds. It feels rewarding speaking to them, knowing them more and understanding them which gives attitude not of simple porn game where you skip text to get to bed scenes but of good quality visual novel with minimum of filler text which amount to nothing. You can actually feel connected to characters despite there being not much content for now - but many titles can't get even this despite being full length games. 

Minigames are another game point which I like. They are not too hard for the player who would feel like he needs some handouts or cheats yet they are hard enough to feel like games and not absolutely mindless grind just for the sake of it - it is good. Difference in the mechanics between sawmill and mine are nice, it's helping to avoid staleness in this type of tasks. Magic system has the same advantage - it helps it rare moments when it occurs to make gameplay more active and diverse while giving player a little challenge.  

In my personal opinion, such a combination of good-looking yet no shallow characters to have love with and engaging enough yet not too grindy gameplay outside of dialogue is a path to success for any NSFW title, which could potentially lead to flourishing community and chances to even get a full-fledged series. Many games couldn't do it: LN types are commonly being played through few times for the sake of sex-scenes alone and then forgotten, while such big projects like Subverse failed to find suitable balance: while getting pretty nice space shooty gameplay they failed to deliver sex scenes adequate for both cost of game and its space battles level. Yet, I see that you're craving the right path for yourself and I hope that you will get your game to gold and make others take your work as guiding for their endeavors.  

But I wish to be honest wanting to help you with my feedback, I understand that words of only one man, but i still like to ask you to at the least think about what I can say. 

There are few weak points of your game, but I think the few sex scenes are one of them. Please don't get me wrong: I think that situations are good (maybe except the cave one, but I still think it was a little bit funny) and graphics too - girls looks amazing in all of them, but animation is the culprit. I think the main gripe is with Lillian second scene - in the end, it is just too fast. And I think it is not just preference thing - it is just limitation of animation type which you chose. I understand that it feels like I demand additional work for an already big project, but please think about not making such a fast animation - it looks not very good with yours limited amount of frames per second, maybe instead of just making scene faster you could on final stage change a pose a little? So that it will pour new fire in it, maybe in way of different hand gestures (you know, such passion ones like hug over neck etc) or face expressions so it will change not so much for requiring too much of rework. But on the good note i must say that small details in animation are very good - like girl's blinking and hair swing, it makes it a lot more lively and attractive! 

Also, other world gameplay is a very good addition - it paves a path for great potential, yet I urge you to not stop now i way of its mechanics. I'm not speaking of any visuals of it, they are actually ok as they are, it's just mechanics. For now, it feels just too shallow, so in the way it appears grindy. But you're actually not the first who pave a successful way in that field - there are other games who used similar mechanics, which could help you find ideas to enrich your own. I think the most popular one is Fate Grand Order - gacha with similar styles of battles. Being a gacha it grindy by default, yet its gameplay being simple still posses desired depth to being interesting, possessing low entry level and decently high for that type of game skill ceiling. Another one would be Darkest Dungeon and Iratus, especially the second one. They have even more depth, and if you can provide at least a little of what they can - people would literally play the game not just for girls but for other world regime. But despite what I said about it - just continue to work on it, please don't leave it as it is, you already have a great base! Maybe you can let us recruit some creatures which we fell in battle in our team? Even if we could not have them as full-fledged characters in main word they still can stay in academy, making it more lively, and it would be even better if we could add them in team to battle together!

In the end, I want to say that I liked Joyce very much! She looks very cute and hot with ponytail and I like her playfulness! And it also very cool to see you add catgirls like Audrey, they are very cute! I hope we will see more of them in the future!

Hope that I was at least a little helpful with my feedback, thank you again for your great game! Will definitely buy when you release on steam! And sorry for bad english!


Thank you! That's very detailed and kind feedback. We're very happy to hear all of this.

Regarding the art in some of the NSFW scenes, we totally agree with you. The thing is that the project has been in development for quite a while, and we made the first scenes a year ago. But all this time, we've been searching for a style that would allow us to make "juicy" scenes, but at the same time, produce and animate them quickly enough (we use Live2d, and this imposes certain limitations). As a result, we settled on the style you can see after defeating the elf monk. Now we will gradually update all the previous scenes - the next update will include a redesigned scene with Lillian (but so far, only the first one, where we meet her while searching for Grace's room. I'm sure some people didn't even realize it was Lillian because of the change in style that had occurred by the time the character appeared).

About the Journey mode, we totally understand that it's quite "flat" right now, and we're looking for ways to improve it. But there are only two of us - so we release "stages", gather feedback, improve based on it, release a new version, and so on, gradually moving forward.

We have now changed the concept of spells - they are no longer consumables. Now they form a separate spellbook, and they are used for AP in battle. We've also changed the leveling system - now they are separate trees of upgrades where you can unlock new spells or improve their effects/parameters by opening "skill nodes."

With the appearance of Olivia (the tailor from the new update) in our game, we now have an Atelier, which in future patches will allow us to introduce equipment to replace the current "upgrade HP to level 2" button.

Also, the system is designed with the possible presence of allies in mind. Currently, it's planned that you will be able to take students you have punished for misconduct with you (you remember how Harry and Ron were sent to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid?).

In addition to this, I am currently busy implementing a dialogue system within the adventures so that some monsters/bosses can talk to you.

There are many ideas, it remains to implement all this, then check the reaction of the players, fix, improve, and then repeat.

Reviews like yours help us keep our spirits up and continue working hard, thanks again.


And what is your native language? Now we think about translation our game on another languages.  


Well it's actually russian/belarussian but i mainly speak on first one, thank you for asking!


Иронично получилось :) 

Hello, i'm having a problem with the  quest "go on a journey and find the magic stones". I've visited the other world at least 20 times by now, but all there is to it is a single goblin enemy that gives drops nothing useful after being defeated. Am i perhaps doing something wrong? Or do i need to search elsewhere, if that's the case, where? Any information would be useful, thanks!


Yes, that's right. There is a goblin standing on a square with a "magic rock".
When you defeat the goblin, a window will appear prompting you to collect these stones.
You need to put the stone in your inventory at the bottom of the window.
After that, you need to leave the location through the portal.

Hello, I don't know if I have beaten to where the current game ends but now, it just says to wait for the story to play out.


Forgive us. Yes, this text means you've reached the end of the current content. We've changed it in the next update so as not to mislead people.


Am stuck at deal with the spy mission idk what i should do

(1 edit) (+1)

During the "Spy - get out" quest, the execution may unexpectedly come to a standstill. This is because you simply will not be given the next task within the quest. Load the autosave BEFORE the moment you receive the task (the scene where you catch Grace in the courtyard of the mansion).  We found the reason for the error and will fix it in the next patch. In the meantime, do not talk to Grace sitting on the chair. Ask her the first time you open a dialog.

how come i cant find lillian? ive searched everywhere for her but i cant seem to find her

You've probably reached the point where it becomes active in the tavern in the evenings.

i dont know what to do here. it is showing wait for events to unfold and i have skip pass weeks

Forgive us. Yes, this text means you've reached the end of the current content. We've changed it in the next update so as not to mislead people.


There's a bug with grace I can't make a deal with her


We found the reason for the error and will fix it in the next patch. In the meantime, do not talk to Grace sitting on the chair. Ask her the first time you open a dialog. 


A great game I'm gonna be honest but I'm having a problem with the story now like I finished my final mission of getting the device from Audrey and that whole quest but now that I've finished there are no more missions or anything I check the book to see wat to do next and all it says is "waiting for events to unfold" but I've been waiting and skipping many days but still nothing, can u tell me is there a way to trigger an event to happen cause I'm really stuck now and I don't know wat to do?...


Hi! Actually, this is the end of the current content. We know this phrase in the journal is misleading and we have already replaced it in the new version.
After you brought the artifact to Audrey, a new tab opened in the Journey panel, where you can see cards of various fan characters that you can "upgrade" for magic dust.


oh thanks for the quick reply and thanks  for informing me 🤟 much appreciated 👍.


Absolutely lovely so far! The art is wonderful, the music--while repetitive--is decent (at least it's not droning or annoying), the writing is good, just general kudos really! This doesn't feel like a parody/fan/inspired (or whatever you would call it) game, and I mean that in the best way possible. Without the spell names or name-dropping WW stuff, this is pretty much its own thing. I'm loving the characters so far, Audrey being my favourite (gotta love the catgirls and sciency types), so I can't wait for whatever comes with her and the rest next. 

My only qualms would be some weird UI stuff, like the navigation around the school being rather wack right now: there is no back-to-map button on the furthest-out view. I ran into the Grace soft-lock on my first run without having saved before the bug so I had to restart, at least that's only a few minutes of waiting through dialogue. The match mini-games are really cool but have an issue where the tiles take up an entire space so it's very difficult (since you have to move the mouse very quickly and precisely) to get certain diagonals where there is an adjacent tile either way from the diagonal. Lastly, as someone who only vaguely remembers the books and movies from my childhood: maybe describe what an "unbreakable vow" is and what it means to take one (especially in this case). I clicked the option during the bartender confrontation thinking it was a sort of show of goodwill on my part: "I will get you the resources, you have my word" sort of thing; instead bro turns around to do the reverse of that and instead does it so that bartender-man won't go back on his word. Why would he even go back on his word, and it's some sort of curse thing? At least you can repair your relationship with bartender-guy easily enough (seemingly a vow that will punish you if you go against it as a sign of mistrust isn't that big a' deal).

The biggest issue as I see it is the journey thing; it is so ludicrously punishing and doesn't really help the player much. It's a good prototype but there needs to be rebalancing and better map generation. I went back to play it again in order to write this comment but even then I felt that while it's a solid prototype, it needs polish and more work to be fun. The lack of animations (as in spell particle effects, one-frame attack animations, anything) and feedback (sound effects, particle effects (again)) really makes it feel like I'm playing a student project. The loot feels like you're getting nothing since it's just churned up into dust for spells. Seemingly there's a "crafting" system but I can only get to it by what seems to be a glitch, if you click the normal attack/stick button in combat it has a chance to bring up the crafting menu, which I never tinkered with unfortunately but it is there. Moving around the realm map is janky and needs some pathing so that you can move more than one tile at a time. The map generation not-irregularly will generate unwinnable maps, mountains in between the player and all the portals and the blue ore/crystals. If you scroll while in the map view, you may either zoom in or zoom out and bring up the log, this is likely just a bug or oversight but is annoying since the scroll/zoom increment is so small.

That may sound like a bunch of complaining but I'm serious when I say this game is good and doesn't have many issues; it's just I'm a neat-picky freak who has been a game-dev since they were a child so now sees the flaws in everything: my bad. 

I'll indulge myself a moment and say that I hate the MC, I've seen Magic Academy a few times but only started playing HGames with male MCs recently, and I was right about this guy: he looks pompous and acts douchy, that is initially grating but gets better when you get to make decisions which better shape him as a person (i.e. make him less of a stuck-up douche). As a character, I like that idea, as a person, he's the worst. But that's meant in good faith as while there's only a little of it so far, he seems to be at least reprehensible in the long run even if most of what's running is his mouth. I'm always harsher towards male characters though (as a lesbian who writes things with mostly female characters, shame on me), so if MC was a lady, I'd find it less bad on the onset. If there ever is an option to add a futa or female MC I'd be glad but with how much that would require more art and animation work, I'm fine with just the male MC, I'd rather have more meaningful content personally :P

My dearest apologies for such a long and droning comment, I do that sometimes when I like something ;^v^. I mean the best. Thanks for your work team Wild Pear Games!

TL;DR: great game, good characters, cool idea, some weird UI, the battle/realm hopping whatever is a cool idea with much need for development. Amazing job devs, keep up the amazing work!


Thank you for your feedback! We are happy to know that you enjoyed our game so much that you wrote such a long review.

Yes, the Journey mode is a big experiment and we are currently working on improving it based on the feedback we've received.

The other unpleasant things like the strange UI behavior are mostly due to engine bugs that we are trying to fix.

Also, recently players found out why Grace's quest was breaking (if you talk to her instead of searching for her room). This will be fixed in the next version.

The character's personality fell victim to our initial concept - we planned a clearly defined plot, but over time, based on player feedback, we decided to make the character "formable."

Now, gradually, we are removing traces of his character from the plot, leaving room for it to be shaped through dialogue responses.

Basically, we suffer from banal things - lack of time and money. That is, now there are only two of us on the team and we spend our personal free time from work and our own money on the project, paying for the work of freelancers in those things that we cannot do ourselves. For example, we have to order VFX, sounds and animations - and this means that we must be sure of the content before we spend money on it, and not just our time.

For example, that's why, in the current version of Journey, the characters are static, and the interface is assembled on stubs and does not correspond to the general style.

Following our original intention, we still try to take player feedback into account as much as possible.

And every piece of feedback we receive gives us the strength to keep working.

(1 edit) (+3)

Now this is a Harry Potter pardody that I can get behind! No uncomfortable reuse of established characters, just a fresh cast and a believable (and interesting) narrative. I can't wait to see where you take this game! :)


Hooray! Thanks for the feedback. We have a main idea for how we want to develop the story, but we also take into account and actively add the wishes of our players.


I second this wholeheartedly. The reuse of established characters makes me cringe. Especially in NSFW content.

The comments above mention futa being optional, but it doesn't say that with anal. IMO, it's annoying, idiotic and I'd prefer to skip it. Can a player do so?

"Foota" refers to an external characteristic that affects the character's appearance.

"Anal" refers to an action that the player can choose to perform or not during an active scene.

Idiotic? What? Why?

Personal preference, my child.

Thats fair.


Any Pregnancy, Expansion and/or Transformation planned? wondering since magical worlds work well with expansion and transformation games and I've been waiting for another good one; and pregnancy im just a fan of in general. Nothing says love quite like consensual planned impregnation in my opinion lol


We'll think about it. But it's a pretty big mechanic, we don't want to introduce it "just to have it."


i understand that and respect it, Id rather you only add it if you can make it work within the confines of the story. just eager for a good new game with expansion/transformation so i figured id ask. Either way keep up the good work and i hope your game progresses well in the future :D

(1 edit) (+1)

I think the "preview" button in some of the scenes is supposed to say someone like "replay". "Preview" does not describe its action.

Ok, thanks, we'll fix it.
It was meant to be "go to the previous stage".


Ye, I thought as much, but "preview" means "view upfront" or "view before doing something"


Hi I played ur game and I loved it . It fantastic and I just want to say that it would more great if u add some lesbian scenes 😄

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, we do have such plans.

Is there a plan to add a function to replay the NSFW scenes? Normally I work around it by saving when they happen and reloading but there's no option to save when they start.

Also, is a rollback feature planned?

And is the ice map supposed to disappear after being played the first time or is it meant to be re-playable?

The scene replay function exists - in the main menu, the button is called "Pensieve"

Yes, in the current version, the ice map disappears after defeating the boss. We will change this behavior in the future.


Ahh thank you. I did not think to check the main menu to be honest. I was only looking in game so thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

Love the game. Looking forward to the updates to come.


You had me at futa.. then downloaded the game just to be made to play as a dude.

Hi. Well, technically, we do have a futa character in our game. It's the ice elf boss in the journey.

Do you plan on adding more?


Yes, we do have such plans.

Awesome. Im a big fan of such content.

(1 edit)

Does "Wait for the events to unfold" in the journal mean I have to wait for the next update?

Yes, this message means the end of the current content. It's a bit misleading now and we've changed the wording in the next version.

How can i find crystals for upgrades ?

  • The resource for leveling up is obtained from the Crystal Mountains on the adventure map - you received it literally in the very first training adventure, which was your quest.
  • The same mountains spawn in almost every adventure.
  • From some strong mobs like the Orc or Elf Priest, items drop that can be turned into crystals.
  • In various special points on the map, events can occur that give items that turn into crystals.
  • With a certain probability, an item that turns into crystals drops from ordinary mobs.

There's a mine and a sawmill, I don't see mountains.

I did the first of the annoying journies, got no crystals. Keep dying on the second because I can't get crystals. I'm not interested in playing these really old-style games within a game. Either make them easier to figure out and play or end them. Thanks

Hi! Thanks for the feedback. Yes, we understand that this new system may be confusing.
But there are only two of us :) We make the game as we see fit, and then you, our players, help us improve it.
Because for me, as a developer, everything is clear - and for you, as a new user, everything is unclear.
When you describe your difficulties, I look for ways to solve them or help you.

  • We will add more tutorials for all stages of the Journey
  • Increase the chance of stones appearing, give them out both in battles and in other ways
  • Changed the leveling system so that you can strengthen yourself without having stones
  • Stones only needed for strong upgrades. 
  • The very concept of inventory and spells has already changed - you will no longer have to carry spells with you, they will be part of the "spellbook" and will not be consumables.

how do i transfer my save files from 1.4.9?

I'm sorry, but that is impossible.

Why doesn't the blue-haired cat girl come and give me the blueprints? please can you answer me I'm on android and I've already waited 3/4 game days. 

Can you attach screenshot of your ingame Journal? 

this are my quest, i finished the Spy quest, but in the main quest result unfinished, so i don't know how to proceed  :(


Oh, it's a bug.

We found the reason for the error and will fix it in the next update. In the meantime, load game BEFORE catch the Grace and do not talk with Grace on chair.  Ask her the first time you open a dialog and after that speak witch Victoria.

The problem occurs if you talk to Grace twice. After you catch Grace and move to the office, the dialogue with her will start automatically - ask her in this dialogue. After you've asked about everything, you'll have the opportunity to talk to Victoria. Don't talk to Grace anymore.




Can you please add a Chinese translation? It's really hard not to understand the plot 😢

Will be this be on steam?


When we make enough content and polish it enough. Also, most likely for Steam we will have to replace all references to Harry Potter, replacing them with something more neutral or parody.


Hairy Potter.

What fictional fantasy content you aren't will create? 

(1 edit)

Why won't the old save games work, according to the change log you fixed it, don't want to grind again for wood and stone🥲🥲


Old saves are supported starting from version 0.2.3 (i.e. when you switch to it you will be able to continue the game from the save from

Will the secretary at the beginning of the game make a comeback into the story?

Perhaps she could be sent by your father to check in on you or something. Then be made to work under the protagonist again at the academy, which I think makes an interesting dynamic.


Good idea. I think it will arrive together with the "inspection commission" from the ministry.


Damn, gotta love it when creators take suggestions from their audience base. Keep up the great work.

The hex tile system (at least in the demo version) doesn't exist.  If this is upgraded in the non-demo, you should probably say something.

The mini-games are fairly easy once you figure out you can do things in them you normally can't do in other similar games.

I realize the demo is probably pretty old, but if you could shorted a 'current' version into a demo and let us see what's actually in there, it would be more of a lure to purchase.  As it is, I'm not sure what I would get if I bought it.

(1 edit)

This is not exactly a "demo version". We release content just like other games in this genre. We have a public version and an "early access" version.

"Early access" is available to our subscribers, or for a fee on After some time, a new version for "early access" is released, and the current one becomes public.

For example, version will be public this weekend.


Any plans on adding a female Player Character?

It's definitely not in the immediate plans. Unless I make her a futa. Otherwise, I'd have to redo too much content.


Why not as DLC like a side story bisexual content Female MC. 

 what fetishes are planned?

It will depend on what the patrons vote for.

I wish a patron because I would vote Nipple fucking, lactation, youth potion for mlif characters.  

(1 edit) (+2)

I finished butt plug  scene ( curse cure ) with lillian    , now it says wait for " events to unfold ",  has game ended or  there's more gameplay  that is left to play I'm confused. 

I'd suggest  showing message that  tells player that current version gameplay has ended 

Feedback :- need some unique scene and more unique storyline it just feels like game revolves around sidequest .  

In between you could've shown MC father 's cutseen to build a twist to  your story and use Lilian , you could have shown grace father  possibilities are endless. 

Loved your game btw and looking for more updates  in future 🙏😊


Good update as always. The new journey mode was a great addition.

One gripe I have right now is that the game resets all your progress with each update or that saves aren't compatible with older versions. At what point will we be able to just pick up where we left off in our last save to see current content immediately?


Hi! Thanks for the warm feedback.

The major changes caused by the new mode and the change in the quest system forced us to reset the saves.

The following versions will support old saves.

Right now, our programmer is working on developing a system that will allow this.

(usually the problem is that the new quest is issued in the second act, and if you have already reached the third, then you will not receive it because of this, you had to start a new game)

While the fact some characters don't like you makes the story more believeable and by doing so increase immersion, the fact you do have to become their errand boy no matter what  quickly got on my nerves.

Also, having choices in dialogues is nice, but realising you can't advance in a dialogue unless you say the exact line a character waits just doesn't make it for me. In real life i'd give the person the middle finger and turn heels way before that. In a game i just close the game.

Hello! Thank you for your feedback. Well, sometimes in order to persuade a person to do what he does not want, you have to say what he likes.
We will think about how to transfer this interaction to the relationship system. However, the more options for passing one quest are created, the more time it takes.
And there are only two of us and with full time jobs :)

Other than that the graphisms are nice by the way and as i said the game has good points.
Maybe it's just not a game for me? You can't please everyone.
Anyway keep up the good work.

Of course we understand. Besides, if our character was able to evoke strong emotions, maybe we did a good job.
Anyway - thanks for the feedback :)


came across a couple spelling errors. the matching puzzles could use some sound effects. it has a lot of heart! keep at it!

Deleted 237 days ago

Thank you for the feedback! Yes, we are currently looking for a sound designer who can write sounds and music for the modes.

(1 edit) (+3)

Building restoration is dangerous business and breaks reality. =)

Also, I hope you're planning to touch up the soundtrack - the background music you've got already is pretty nice, but the cutoff where it loops is quite jarring.

I'm sure I already fixed this bug. Is this version

Could you elaborate on "but the cutoff where it loops is quite jarring."?
Is there some kind of glitch when the tracks switch?


Actually, looks like the update errored out when I tried to install it, so I was on 1.4.7.  Updated successfully this time, and both the restoration and the soundtrack seem to be working fine now. =)

Doing the 1.5.1 run in English, and the translation is mostly okay but definitely slips up in places, sometimes in surprisingly basic ways - like the MC saying "We didn't socialize much..." on the Introvert option when describing the Carsteins to Victoria.  That one in particular looks like a machine translation artifact - incorrectly inferring pronouns that are omitted in the Russian text.

The most apparent ones are the navigation buttons ("In the courtyard" instead of "To the courtyard", "Preview" instead of "Previous"), but there are also less obvious errors sprinkled through the text: "the Carstein" (or even "Carstair", with Rose) instead of "the Carsteins" when asking around about the family, "house elves found the letter again" when finding the second letter ("the letter" makes it a reference to the same letter as they found the first time, "a letter" would mean another letter as intended), etc.

Looking really nice otherwise - I hope the fetch quest and minigame aspects get more variety later, but the art and sound work is already quite solid.

Thank you for your detailed feedback!

The first version of the game was translated by a not very reliable person, and we are still cleaning up all the artifacts. 

We have already found Carsteins in completely incredible variations like Carrow or Karpitian. 

We are trying to fix all the typos or inaccuracies that players point out to us.

Hey how.long is the wait time when it says wait for the events to unfold


The message "wait for the events to unfold" usually means you've reached the end of the current content in the game. 

Apparently, in the next patch, we should replace this text with "wait for the next update".

i can't find the spy's room

i figured it out. I just can't able find the spy's room when i give wood to Audrey first 


i wasnt able to do the find room event in the 221 version after giving audrey the materials

just to see if I already understood it, this is not on sale right?

Hi, I'm not entirely sure I understand the question.
We have a typical distribution system for such games - public and "private" versions.
Private is available to subscribers on our patronage services, or for a separate fee on
Payment means the purchase of the specific current private version.
A few weeks after the release of the private version, it becomes public.

Not sure if the grammar is wrong but to me it looks like two easy questions

kind of "let's see if I understood it right"

"I think it's not on sale right?"

Sorry I have a bad day. Uhhh it didn't look like it, but the game becomes free at some point?  I have to be honest I need to be a bit picky about what I buy and I thought this had a demo and a payed version.


Not exactly.

Our game is free - the current public version is always available for free. At the moment it's version

Those who support us on Patreon, Boosty, or Subscribestar get early access to the next update (about 2-3 weeks earlier). At the moment it's version

On it's similar to a one-time purchase of a specific version.

This means you can play the current free version and wait for the new version to go public. Or, support us financially and get early access to the new version.


Okay I think  i understood it, depending on how much I like it and my finances I will see if I can do that. 

So in chase I can't I mostly have to wait for a most likely much longer time than the others okay.


Yes, of course, thank you for your interest in the project in any case.

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